Ayahuasca Retreat Peru for Body and Mind Detox

Road to Happiness that is what we are offering at our Retreats. 

There are many ways to achieve the Happiness, but it always starts with healing yourself.

To heal yourself you need to heal your emotions, which is easier said than done. Emotional healing is a long process with many different emotional healing techniques available.

couples retreats costa ricaEmotional Healing using Ayahuasca Medicine is one of the fastest ways to achieve it. It still can not be done in one shot, but Mother Ayahuasca helps to start it fast.

In order for the healing process to work correctly and really help you to become healthy and happy, you need to have some caution.

  1. Ayahuasca is not just a pill, it is a very strong energy force that needs to be handled with respect. You can not force it. If something is not getting the way it should be, while planning your trip, it may not be the time yet. This needs to be considered.
  2. You need to have a professional guidance of the Shaman. You should not use Ayahuasca brew by yourself, it needs to be done in the Shamanic Ayahuasca Ceremony.
  3. And another very important step – is the integration process. Without the correct integration you may not see or understand the correct meaning of information you received, unless you are already working with your emotions and your subconscious during some time.
    We offer Authentic Shamanic Retreats in Peru.

See full description, dates and pricing of
Ayahuasca Retreat Peru for Body and Mind Detox

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During our retreat you will have:
3 ceremonies of healing with plant medicine during the week;
1 Kambo – frog medicine session;
5 cleansing flower bath ceremonies.
You will be accompanied by professional Spiritual and Holistic Life Coach – Nina – Bastet, who will be able to prepare you for the Shamanic Ceremonies, will walk you through the integration process after the ceremonies and teach you different healing techniques and meditation practices during your retreat.

Emotional healing is a long process, so the sooner you start, the sooner you can achieve happiness in your life.

We designed our retreats considering all these factors.
Joining us on the retreats will get you to the right road to happiness! 

 All our retreats designed around Universal Spiritual and Wellness Principals in order to help you find your Road to Love and Happiness with Emotional Healing.

Whether your challenges are: business venture, how to spark your relationship, feeling stuck at some point of your life, lack of loving and accepting yourself, delay in manifesting a new relationship, improvement of your finances, inability to change your life habits, or discover your Life’s Calling, recovering from old traumas or any others;

Your confusions will transform into ‘knowing’ as you learn how to master the fundamental principles of co-creation and gain information and  understanding of what it takes to activate a new dimension of possibility in your life.

The reasons for one’s unhappiness, stress and anxieties are  buried inside of one’s mind. It is the subconscious mind that gives a signal to the mind and body to react to the events with the negative emotions, which takes the body into the stressful state of existence.

Come to our retreats, where you will learn the principles you can apply to your daily life to

Live Every Day the Life, You Are Being Called to Live!

We also offerig healing retreats in Russian Language:
machu piccu peru11 Дней Аяваска Ретрит в Перу и Мачу Пикчу Тур

See our other Services and Retreats:





Our trips to Europe will help you to restore you mind and body
You will be able to rediscover yourself, after long feeling disconnected

Connect to your Sacred Feminine part
Awaken to your inner God and Goddess.

Join our 11 days Trip to Bulgaria to Restore your Vitality and Open your Heart!


Emotional Healing and Wellness Retreats in Wisconsin are offered during the year.

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Ayahuasca Retreat Peru, Emotional and Physical Detox Retreat 7 days

Духовные практики и полезная информация о здоровье и счастье

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