Peru Travel with Ayahuasca, San Pedro, Kambo & Shamanic Initiations for Healing

Holistic Center of Health and Happiness in cooperation with local Peruvian Healers is offering tours to Peru for emotional healing and spiritual development.

There are many ways to achieve a healthy and happy life, but all of them require investment of your time and energy in order to achieve it.

One of the paths that helped thousands of people is the road using ancient shamanic healing practices. This path is not for everyone, and that is why before starting the research needs to be done.

We are offering you to save your time on doing research and attend a series of seminars, specifically designed to explain this kind of approach in the holistic healing process. 

The first seminar will happen on August 18, in Wheeling IL. The nominal fee of $10 is charged, to show the effort and investment of money and energy into the process.

The Trips to Peru cost from $2,250 to $2,750. plus, the cost of the air transportation to Peru.

Below are the links to the seminar and the retreat. 

Spiritual Wellness Retreats in Peru – October -November 2022:

Sacred Medicine Ayahuasca Retreat Peru

Ancient civilizations have always held a strong connection to their mystic traditions in order to stay connected to Spirit for healing, guidance, and enlightenment.

You will be experiencing many of these sacred practices and medicines from the Amazon jungle that are difficult to find outside of South America in its pure form.


These sacred traditions will help bring you closer to your truth and allow you to shed multidimensional layers of your being that are holding you back from receiving all that you desire. Ayahuasca, Kambo, San Pedro and other Teacher-Plants will help you to detox your mind and body, to shed away all illusions and bring you closer to your soul’s truth.

Emotional and Physical Healing with Ayahuasca in Amazonian Peru 


Find Your Unlimited Potential on our Magical Trip to Peru 

Peru is one of the 7 wonders of the world and the sacral chakra of Mother Earth. 

This ancient land is filled with mysteries and such a high frequency that staying here for a short trip will give you the positive boost you’ve been looking for! 

Machu Picchu is a life-altering destination, it activates all the chakras and creates a pure space for spiritual messages to be received.

Lake Titicaca is a place filled with history, legends, and uncovered mysteries. A myth says that the creator god emerged from Lake Titicaca before creating the Sun, Moon, and stars.

Trip to Peru to Connect to Your Hidden Potentials in the Sacred Power Places

Heart Illumination Journey in Peru with San Pedro Ceremony

Looking to have a soulful journey, filled with breath-taking views, inspirational workouts, mystical experience and one-of-a-kind adventures?

With San Pedro Ceremony you’ll be guided on a transformative journey to deepen your connection with Universal Source energy so that you’ll be prepared to make the quantum shifts that you’ve been asking for in your life!

With Despacho ceremonies we will offer our intentions and prayers to Mother Earth (Pachamama) and the sacred mountains (Apus). This ceremony helps us stay in harmony with nature while blessing all areas of our life.

Each day will be filled with insightful coaching, ceremonies and practical tools that are designed to help you balance your energetic field and connect to your inner truth.

You’ll be reconnected with your Higher Self, enabling you to truly embody your soul purpose.

This Transformation Trip is an amazing experience!

Heart Illumination Journey in Peru with Mystical Shamanic Ceremonies and San Pedro Ceremony


Seminars in Illinois to explain How Can Sacred Plants & Rituals Help with Depressions, Fears, Addictions and other Life Difficulties


We will be glad to see you on one of our events.

Who is the Facilitator of Events. About Spiritual Coach Nina Bastet

Ayahuasca Retreat Peru for Body and Mind Detox

Road to Happiness that is what we are offering at our Retreats. 

There are many ways to achieve the Happiness, but it always starts with healing yourself.

To heal yourself you need to heal your emotions, which is easier said than done. Emotional healing is a long process with many different emotional healing techniques available.

couples retreats costa ricaEmotional Healing using Ayahuasca Medicine is one of the fastest ways to achieve it. It still can not be done in one shot, but Mother Ayahuasca helps to start it fast.

In order for the healing process to work correctly and really help you to become healthy and happy, you need to have some caution.

  1. Ayahuasca is not just a pill, it is a very strong energy force that needs to be handled with respect. You can not force it. If something is not getting the way it should be, while planning your trip, it may not be the time yet. This needs to be considered.
  2. You need to have a professional guidance of the Shaman. You should not use Ayahuasca brew by yourself, it needs to be done in the Shamanic Ayahuasca Ceremony.
  3. And another very important step – is the integration process. Without the correct integration you may not see or understand the correct meaning of information you received, unless you are already working with your emotions and your subconscious during some time.
    We offer Authentic Shamanic Retreats in Peru.

See full description, dates and pricing of
Ayahuasca Retreat Peru for Body and Mind Detox

ayahuasca PEru

During our retreat you will have:
3 ceremonies of healing with plant medicine during the week;
1 Kambo – frog medicine session;
5 cleansing flower bath ceremonies.
You will be accompanied by professional Spiritual and Holistic Life Coach – Nina – Bastet, who will be able to prepare you for the Shamanic Ceremonies, will walk you through the integration process after the ceremonies and teach you different healing techniques and meditation practices during your retreat.

Emotional healing is a long process, so the sooner you start, the sooner you can achieve happiness in your life.

We designed our retreats considering all these factors.
Joining us on the retreats will get you to the right road to happiness! 

 All our retreats designed around Universal Spiritual and Wellness Principals in order to help you find your Road to Love and Happiness with Emotional Healing.

Whether your challenges are: business venture, how to spark your relationship, feeling stuck at some point of your life, lack of loving and accepting yourself, delay in manifesting a new relationship, improvement of your finances, inability to change your life habits, or discover your Life’s Calling, recovering from old traumas or any others;

Your confusions will transform into ‘knowing’ as you learn how to master the fundamental principles of co-creation and gain information and  understanding of what it takes to activate a new dimension of possibility in your life.

The reasons for one’s unhappiness, stress and anxieties are  buried inside of one’s mind. It is the subconscious mind that gives a signal to the mind and body to react to the events with the negative emotions, which takes the body into the stressful state of existence.

Come to our retreats, where you will learn the principles you can apply to your daily life to

Live Every Day the Life, You Are Being Called to Live!

We also offerig healing retreats in Russian Language:
machu piccu peru11 Дней Аяваска Ретрит в Перу и Мачу Пикчу Тур

See our other Services and Retreats:





Our trips to Europe will help you to restore you mind and body
You will be able to rediscover yourself, after long feeling disconnected

Connect to your Sacred Feminine part
Awaken to your inner God and Goddess.

Join our 11 days Trip to Bulgaria to Restore your Vitality and Open your Heart!


Emotional Healing and Wellness Retreats in Wisconsin are offered during the year.

We offer Past Life Regression Sessions in Illinois

Life Coaching, Dating Coaching, Divorce Coaching in Illinois and more

Aromatherapy and Gems Therapy in Illinois

Past Life Regressions 

Ретриты в Америке – USA Емоциональное исцеление

Aromatherapy, Rain Drop Technique, Essential Oils

Life coaching Dating Coaching

Wellness Retreats

Emotional Healing

“Неочевидное, но Вероятное” Духовно – Познавательная Программа Нины Бастет

Ayahuasca Retreat Peru, Emotional and Physical Detox Retreat 7 days

Духовные практики и полезная информация о здоровье и счастье

Emotional Healing Illinois, Wisconsin


Travel and Spiritual Tours and Retreats in Costa Rica, Couples Retreats, Meditation, Ayahuasca, Men Retreats, Vipassana

costa rica best travels spiritual retreats

Spiritual Retreats Costa Rica specializes on spiritual and holistic travel in this beautiful and safe country, Costa Rica.

They have the following retreats for humane spiritual growth, holistic health and happiness:

The Goddess Awakening – Women Retreat in Costa Rica

The retreat will help you to awaken your inner Goddess by embracing your Feminine powers. It created Especially for Smart, Conscious, Creative Women to Step Into Even More of Their Greatness using their feminine powers given to their by their birthrights as a women.

The Heroes of Our Time – Real Men Retreat in Costa Rica – for Happiness in Life and Relationship Improvements Costa Rica Retreat


They offer an unforgettable experience, combining life improvement practices, relaxation, special unique activities for real men and much more.
Retreat designed specifically for successful men: businessmen, career men, men working using their intelligence and not doing much of the physical work during their daily life. Retreat for successful man, who wants to get even more in life.

Meditation Retreat Costa Rica – Stress Management for Life Enjoyment for male and female separate retreats

Stress Management Meditation Retreat Costa Rica for Life Enjoyment – Male

During these 7 days you will learn and practice spiritual techniques, including Vipassana meditation, that brought happiness to many thousands of people.
The retreat is organized in the unique highly energetic peaceful setting of South-East of Costa Rica. Located in the mountains with lavish nature, beautiful gardens, gushing waterfalls, lots of amazing birds and animals will make your stay even more relaxed and rejuvenated.
The retreat designed to help you learn what does it take to get in to the state of happiness, to reduce stress and eliminate anxiety from your life.

Rekindling an Old Flame in Your Relationship  – Couples Retreat Costa Rica


This retreat is organized so you can revive your loving relationship with your partner. We will help you to remember how you felt about each other at the time when you decided to live together. We will help you to feel your strong emotional and physical love toward each other to get happy again. We will help you to remember your emotions and feeling you felt when you fall in love.
We will teach you some special techniques that will help you to keep you love alive through your long life together and to live it happily ever after.

Reclaim Your Happiness – Emotional Healing Retreat Costa Rica

We offer you to start your road to HAPPINESS with this Emotional Healing Retreat in tropical paradise of Costa Rica.  During these 7 days you will learn and practice spiritual techniques, get knowledge about working with essential oils for emotional balance, will learn about Access Consciousness Practices, learn Vipassana meditation and more. All these practices brought happiness to many thousands of people.
Ayahuasca Retreat Costa Rica with 3 Ayahuasca Ceremonies

It is a 7 days Ayahuasca retreat in tropical paradise of Costa Rica. During the retreat you will be participating in 3 Ayahuasca ceremonies for your soul healing. Beautiful environment with great nature, highly spiritual people surrounding you during your Ayahuasca retreat and beautiful music; all this will bring you great clarity.
We will help you to form your intentions for the ceremonies to get better results from your journey.

You will enjoy every part of it!

Join the spiritual and holistic seminar and events in Costa Rica to reclaim your Happiness!

costa rica spiritual travel



Ретриты и Отдых Коста-Рика, Снижение Cтресса, 3 Церемонии Аяваски, Ретриты для Семейных Пар, Глубоководная Рыбалка, Туры и Путешествие по Коста Рике

retreats costa rica russian

3 Церемонии Аяваски Коста Рика 7 Дней Ретрит, Туры Аяхуаска, Аяуаска

Церемония Аяуаска является одним из самых сильных и самых быстрых из всех методов эмоционального лечения, при этом удаляя корень проблемы. Аяхуаска может исцелить тело от большинства болезней и предотвратить многие болезни, путем обработки подавленных эмоций и устранения основных проблем, с которыми мы пришли в эту жизнь.
Джон Д. Майер американский психолог из Университета штата Нью-Гемпшир говорит: “Эмоции действуют на многих уровнях. Они имеют физический аспект, а также психологический аспект. Эмоции соединяют  мысли, чувства и действия – они действуют в каждой части человека и оказывают влияние на многие аспекты человека, и человек влияет на многие аспекты эмоций “.
Церемония Аяваски это лекарство для тела, ума и души.

Герои Нашего Времени – Ретрит в Коста-Рике для Настоящих МужчинДля Обретения Счастья и Улучшения Отношений
 Я Ради Тебя Горы Сверну

Мы предлагаем вам присоединиться к нам  на ретрите для настоящих мужчин. Это 7 дней в тропическом раю Коста-Рики.
Этот Ретрит специально разработан  для успешных мужчин: бизнесменов, карьерных мужчин, мужчин, работающих с использованием их интеллекта и не выполняющих большую часть физической работы во время повседневной жизни. Это ретрит для успешного человека, который хочет получить от жизни еще больше чем уже имеет.

happiness retreats costa rica men, women, couplesВозрождение Любви и Страсти в Семейных Отношениях – Ретрит в Коста-Рике для Семейных Пар

Этот Ретрит специально разработан в Коста Рике, в этом романтическом раю, чтобы вы могли оживить свои любовные отношения со своим партнером и стать счастливыми в вашей совместной жизни. Мы поможем вам вспомнить, какие чувства и эмоции вы переживали в отношении друг друга в то время, когда вы решили пожениться. Мы поможем вам прочувствовать и пережить снова сильную эмоциональную и физическую любовь друг к другу, чтобы восстановить счастливые, страстные и радостные отношения, при этом переведя их на новый уровень. Мы научим вас некоторым специальным приемам и практикам, которые помогут вам сохранить вашу любовь, даже когда становиться тяжело и грустно.

Женский Ретрит в Коста Рике – Пробуждение Внутренней Богини

Ретрит поможет вам пробудить вашу внутреннюю Богиню, полностью приняв все стороны своей женской природы и соеденившись с вашей Женской силой.
Этот Ретрит специально создан для умных, сознательных, творческих женщин, чтобы помочь им стать еще более величественными, используя свою женственность, принадлежащую им по праву рождения женщиной.
Истинный талант женщины – умение создавать атмосферу любви и гармонии, способную воспламенять сердце мужчины настоящими чувствами…Наш ретрит в Коста Рике поможет вам находиться в этом уникальном состоянии полного принятия себя, чтобы создавать и поддерживать эту атмосферу любви, гармонии и красоты вокруг себя!men retreats costa rica

Исцели Свои Травмы Прошлого –
Снижение Cтресса за 7 Дней – Ретрит В Коста-Рике с  Безмолвной Медитацией и Практиками Прощения

Чтобы исцелить душевную боль от прошлых травм, мы должны успокоить ум и исцелить наши чувства по отношению ко всем воспоминаниям­ о прошлом, и всем, вовлеченным в эти события. Мы должны простить себя и других людей, вовлеченных в любую ситуацию, которая причинила нам боль в прошлом. Это может быть развод, предательство, смерть близких или другие жизненные травмы.  Знаем мы это или нет, признаемся себк в этом или нет, мы всегда виним кого-то и в первую очередь себя. И так как это происходит на подсознательном уровне, мы даже не отдаем себе отчета в сущствовании этих эмоций. Именно поэтому так нелегко исцелить эти чувства.
Мы организовали ретрит, чтобы научить вас некоторым приемам (из многих доступных), и чтобы помочь освободиться от этих эмоций, что поможет Вам значительно снизить стресс и его влияние на Вашу жизнь.
Ну а после вашего возвращения вы будете получать комплименты, по поводу вашего свежего, яркого и молодого вида. Это эффект полученный при очищении ваших похороненных эмоций и высвобождения тяжелых энергий из энергетического поля, вдыхания свежего воздуха и отдыхав Коста-Рике и употребления в пищу здоровой пищи, заполненной свежими фруктами и овощами. Что может быть лучше!


глубоководная рыбалка коста рикаТуры и Путешествие по Коста Рике – 7 Дней Путешествия по Лучшим Местам Коста Рики
Эта программа тура расчитана на 7-9 дней Путешествия по Коста Рики после посещения одного из наших Ретритов  в Коста Рике

Глубоководная Рыбалка в Коста Рике на Тихом Океане

Это Рыбалка в Открытом Океане. 8 часов. роскошное приготовления улова на берегу океана.
Основные виды рыб:
Парусник, дорадо, синий, черный, полосатый марлин, ваху, желтоперый Тунец
Рыбалка на тунца в открытом океане